Peace Corps Workshop

Today I will be blogging about something new. I will be talking about the workshop we did with the Teacher Corps at Nett School.
So to give you a brief of how this started, I am taking four summer classes. And one of the classes are Solving Discipline class, supervised by Dr. Michelle Santos. So we prepared a power point on classroom management. There are three things we chose to talk about in classroom management. The first one is classroom rules and consequences, the second one is classroom routines and procedures, and the last one is tips and tricks for classroom management. We were divided into three groups to present on the three different types of classroom management.
Our group was the last group to go. And I hate it, I really hate it. When the first one group started, the look on their faces when they got stuck on explaining something killed me. I stood up and sat back down. I often stood up and ran to the back to jump, shake my hands, and breath in and out. I was very nervous. And when the first group finished theirs, the second group went. And they did great but it took so long that my fingers went numb. I cannot feel them, I started to feel cold when everyone is sweating. Then our Instructor give me the signal and my heart rate speed up. One of my classmates said something to me, I cannot hear it, I cannot feel it, I feel like a dead shell.
Then the remote was handed to me, I breathed in and out stepped up and smiled. I looked down and I saw a lot of people looking at me. Most of the people in the house were from the US, most of them are white and one of them has a dark skin. Then I saw one of my classmates at the back stood up and stretch because we've been there for almost two hours. So it hit me, tell them to stand up and stretch. So that's what I did, I told them to stand up and stretch and then bam. All the nervousness are out because I stretched with them and all of the stiffness ran off.
I started my presentation, smoothly, loudly, and clearly. I did not forgot my lines, I remember to walk around the room when talking about the classroom layout, I remember to ask them questions to include them in my presentation. I did not realize I was done with my slides, I was ready to talk about the next slide but the next slide was about the closing. My heart jumped and I hand over the remote to Dr. Santos.
I was very nervous but when I get up there and stretched and smile. Everything that stopped inside of me started to work, I make sure I do not read from my slides too much. This was all possible because I believed in myself. Next time we went on a presentation, I will remember to stretch before I start to shake off the nervousness. It is really good to find what your body is comfortable with when nervous. For me, jumping, shaking, breathing in and out, and talking to a friend does not work for me. But stretching did help. So its good to find whats your body needed to do when nervous.

Kalahngan Dr. Michelle Santos and Dr. Dean Olah. You guys are awsome! I cannot wait for you Fine Arts play, I know it will be awsome too. We will miss you guys, and Keana as well.

**Thank you for reading :) **


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