
Mother's sacrifice

Hi! I forgot I had a blog. I found one of my stories yesterday on google and came back to have a look and try to edit some of my work. I forgot to mention that English is my second language and it is a little rusty so bear with me please.  I was born on July 1st, 1995. I am the first child of Onosang Alexander and Misako David Alexander. They are not Japanese, they are also not named after Japanese. My father is pure Pohnpeian. My mother on the other hand is half Chuukese half Pohnpeian. My father quit school when he was in 5th grade. He married my mother when she was in high school grade 10. This results in my mother not finishing school. A year later, she got pregnant. Born a girl she named Stephanie Alexander, because at that time the movie Grease 2 is very popular. Anyways, my mother came from a family that does not really care about doing finishing up chores at home. However, my father's side of the family is the opposite. My father's father has his own vision of a bet...

Pohnpei King Titles Song

I. There are 4 states in the FSM Pohnpei, Yap, Chuuk, and Kosrea state. We the children of Pohnpei, living in Pohnpei, we love Pohnpei, we love Pohnpei. II. Mie wehi 5 mih nan Pohnpei iei Madolenihmw, Kitti, Sokehs, Nett oh WeihnU. Patehng deke pali pah kan lel pali poweh kan koaros nan Pohnpei, koaros nan Pohnpei. **(TRANSLATION) There are 5 municipalities in Pohnpei, Madolenihmw, Kitti, Sokehs, Nett, and U. Including the outer islands of Pohnpei, everybody in Pohnpei. III. Nahnmwarki en Madolenihmw Isipahu, nanmwarki en Kitti Soukisehleng, Sokehs Nahnpwutak pwudeniap, Nett Pwouhd Lepen Nett, U Isosahngoro, Uh Isosahngoro. **(TRANSLATION) King of Madolenihmw Isipahu , King of Kitti Soukisehleng, King of Sokehs Nahnpwutak pwudeniap, King of Nett Pwouhd Lepen Nett, King of U Isosahngoro. -There are quite a few changes to the titles, so if you know any of the changes, please let me know in the comments below, it will be of great help. Kalahngan and Thank you


**Sorry it took me a while to update my blog, at my house we do not have internet. But at my Fiance's house, they have internet and a laptop and two cellphones. So it's kind of hard, because there are five people living in the house and Facebook is mostly the popular site for everyone. Anyways, today's topic will be different, I will be talking about the rules of taking care of a newborn baby.** My Fiance Ryan Eliou is the oldest among his siblings. There are three of them, he's the oldest, the second ones name is Iven Eliou and their little sister Kiora Eliou. So the second brother just got engaged to a girl a year younger than I am. She's 8 months pregnant, the male's family (that is us) went to her house to ask her hand in marriage and we brought her here with us. Iven was not on the Island, he is still in Palau. He went there for College and that is where they met. So to sum up the whole story, the baby was born on April and the Fiance was still not here. ...


When I was in high school, one of my granduncle have a peace corps volunteer live with him and his family. His name is Jerick Abon, he's Asian but was born and raised in the United States. So we, the kids were encouraged to visit Jerick everyday after chores so we can speak English with him and he'll help us with our English. One day we went over to his house and my granduncle Walet but we call him using his traditional title Soumadau (so-mad-ow). Soumadau and Jerick were talking and I had to walk in between them. So I bent down when I walked between them. Jerick stopped talking and looked at me and asked, "hey Stephanie is your back hurting?"My uncle laughed and said, "Its traditional," then he explained. When two elders are sitting and talking and you walked next to them or passed them, you bend while you walk passed them and say ,"iheng" (eeh-short e- eng). And when you walk passed by elders on the road, sitting, or wherever they are, stop and...

Break a Leg

Before our going to Nett School, one of our Professors shouted to us, "break a leg guys." And I looked at her with a "what?" look and she laughed. Finally one of my classmates said, "oh thank you, I know what that means." And he told us the meaning. One of my classmates name Lynnsey laughed and say, "oh my goodness, imagine if I picked up a chair break Stephanie's leg." We all cracked up. Break a leg, that expression got us all like ,"whaaaat?"

To Do's and Not To Do's when pregnant

Here on Pohnpei, we have certain ways of taking care of a pregnant women. When a women is pregnant, she is to be given a local medicine to drink. The medicine will help cool up the womb so the baby will not be too hot from lack of water. When women got pregnant here, the women often lost her appetite, she do not want to eat even drinking water. So that is why the medicine is made, the believe of all pregnant women do not like to drink water is still going on. There are rules for a pregnant women, shower before the sun rises  shower before the sun sets. these are the things that they are not allowed to do when pregnant, No walking during night  No eating while walking  No walking under the rain  No wearing of jewelries No shopping before the baby is born.  All of these things were often told to a pregnant women.All of these things are believed to be for the health of the pregnant women and her baby. There are also rules given to the husbands, they a...

Peace Corps Workshop

Today I will be blogging about something new. I will be talking about the workshop we did with the Teacher Corps at Nett School. So to give you a brief of how this started, I am taking four summer classes. And one of the classes are Solving Discipline class, supervised by Dr. Michelle Santos. So we prepared a power point on classroom management. There are three things we chose to talk about in classroom management. The first one is classroom rules and consequences, the second one is classroom routines and procedures, and the last one is tips and tricks for classroom management. We were divided into three groups to present on the three different types of classroom management. Our group was the last group to go. And I hate it, I really hate it. When the first one group started, the look on their faces when they got stuck on explaining something killed me. I stood up and sat back down. I often stood up and ran to the back to jump, shake my hands, and breath in and out. I was very nervou...