Pohnpei King Titles Song
I. There are 4 states in the FSM Pohnpei, Yap, Chuuk, and Kosrea state. We the children of Pohnpei, living in Pohnpei, we love Pohnpei, we love Pohnpei. II. Mie wehi 5 mih nan Pohnpei iei Madolenihmw, Kitti, Sokehs, Nett oh WeihnU. Patehng deke pali pah kan lel pali poweh kan koaros nan Pohnpei, koaros nan Pohnpei. **(TRANSLATION) There are 5 municipalities in Pohnpei, Madolenihmw, Kitti, Sokehs, Nett, and U. Including the outer islands of Pohnpei, everybody in Pohnpei. III. Nahnmwarki en Madolenihmw Isipahu, nanmwarki en Kitti Soukisehleng, Sokehs Nahnpwutak pwudeniap, Nett Pwouhd Lepen Nett, U Isosahngoro, Uh Isosahngoro. **(TRANSLATION) King of Madolenihmw Isipahu , King of Kitti Soukisehleng, King of Sokehs Nahnpwutak pwudeniap, King of Nett Pwouhd Lepen Nett, King of U Isosahngoro. -There are quite a few changes to the titles, so if you know any of the changes, please let me know in the comments below, it will be of great help. Kalahngan and Thank you